Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Heal Meow - Infused With Positive Vibes

I'm Valene and I'm just a small town, east coast girl finding her place on the west coast. I grew up and lived in Pennsylvania until I was 28. I moved to New Jersey looking for a fresh start to life. 6 months after moving I met my now Husband, who lived in California.  And BOOM, here I am!!  A 34 yr old married crazy cat lady with a new life, home, business and I couldn't be happier!  
Soon after the big move, in 2012 I started making jewelry for myself using healing stones.  I have a small wrist and bracelets just seemed to never fit right so I made them myself.  I loved them so much I started creating them for friends and family and giving them away.  Gemstones and crystals carry energies that people use for specific reasons like anxiety, sleep, energy, love, etc.  I found a reason to give them to everyone close to me!  I started a new fitness place and I wanted to give them away there too.  They thought I was crazy giving them away for free!  With their encouragement I started Heal Meow in June 2014. I am so happy that everyone loves my designs as much as I do. It's all about feeling good and radiating positive vibes.  Your happiness is my happiness!
 When I was introduced to essential oils, they were a perfect fit for my jewelry.  One of the stones I design a lot with is Lava. Lava stone literally comes from the core of the earth!  It is volcano rock and once it cools, it becomes porous.  This allows the Lava to hold the oils and is transformed into a personal, stylish diffuser.  I design necklaces and bracelets that you can infuse with your favorite essential oil! 

Feel free to check out my website(s) for more designs and info!

See you December 6th at LBB!

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